China Tech News Flash! #100: “Five for Friday” program with the latest in Sino-high tech vs. the West. 210228

Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff Support all my hard work, […]

Huawei goes solo with no Google, Android or Intel in its flagship 2020 phone, the P40, P40 Pro and P40 Pro+. China Tech News Flash! #64

There is nothing from the United States that goes into making Huawei’s brand new, super-tech 5G phone, the P40 series. […]

A cautionary tale: poor, isolated Guizhou Province with have one-third as many 5G base stations as the entire USA this year. China Tech News Flash #60!

Guizhou is one of China’s poorest and most isolated provinces. I know, I traveled there while writing the first book […]

Bans, sanctions, fines and extortion cannot beat bigger, better, faster and cheaper – the Huawei story is a fable of unintended consequences. China Tech News Flash! #24

All the US sanctions, blockades and extortion cannot stop the world’s best 5G telecommunication company. The reality is that the […]

5G will determine which countries succeed and fail in the 21st century. Here is an update about China and the world. China Tech News Flash! #21

The importance of 5G for the success of any country in the 21st century, in every phase of society, economy, […]